Other colours
Pit Viper Flip-OffsThe 93' Dusk - Smoke Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The All Star - Blue Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Resupply in progress
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Heater - Red Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Mystery All Star - Rainbow Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Voltage - Pink/Purple Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Sandstorm - Smoke Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Resupply in progress
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Absolute Freedom/Merika - Blue Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Copacabana - Blue/Purple Revo Lenses
Ref. : The Copacabana
Other colours
Pit Viper Flip-OffsThe 93' Dusk - Smoke Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The All Star - Blue Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Resupply in progress
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Heater - Red Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Mystery All Star - Rainbow Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Voltage - Pink/Purple Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Sandstorm - Smoke Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Resupply in progress
Pit Viper Flip-Offs The Absolute Freedom/Merika - Blue Revo Lenses €99.90 (tax incl.) Available
- Gender : Women
Gender :
Résultat du travail et de la réflexion des créateurs, cette lunette s’adaptera parfaitement aux visages masculins.
Material :
The plastic frames are solid, resistant at the same time and offer a very big comfort.
- Color : Multicolor
- Opt Modèles : Pit Viper The Flip-Offs
- Opt Verres Minéral/Polycarbonate : Polycarbonate Lenses
- Color Lenses : Pink
- Color Lenses : Blue
Protection index :
Very intense brightness. Protection with intense light conditions. Absorbs from 82 to 92% light intensity.
- Shape : Wrap
Pit Viper
Pit Viper was founded on a simple principle - sunglasses that can take a beating. In the spring of 2012 founder, Chuck Mumford, was traveling to the Teton Mountains for a ski touring adventure. Sunglasses being a very important part of touring trips, Chuck had his current "high-end sport" sunglasses in tow which quickly broke and left him looking for more. He started developing Pit Vipers in the Spring of 2012 as a rugged product that could be shot, sat on, shoved in pockets, run over, and mostly maintain their sun and wind bucking ability. Through the spring the tests were successful and it was time to give them some attitude. Being an accomplished artist, Chuck began painting the PV's to match his extreme lifestyle, and they looked damn good.
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