Legal Informations
The website is published by the company Optique Chaussin in Chamonix Mont-Blanc.
Optique Chaussin is registered with the Trade and Companies register in Annecy under the number 398 252 924, its VTA intracommunity number is FR84398252924, its EORI number is FR 398 252 924 000 12.
Optique Chaussin is certified by the “Sécurité Sociale” as a graduated optician, technical manager for the supply of optical and eyewear articles under the number 69R74L6556PA.
Optique Chaussin practices his activity in the strict application of the regulatory framework of the Opticien-Lunetier profession. Mr. Denis Chaussin is graduated optician with a State diploma of Opticien-Lunetier, registered by the Regional Health Agency under the ADELI number 742806839.
Mr. Denis Chaussin is the publication manager of this website.
Customer Service Contact from Monday to Friday, 9am-12pm and 3pm-6pm
Optique Chaussin –
135 rue du Docteur Paccard
74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc
Tél : +33 4 50 53 13 14
email :
Data protection
1. Informations and data
Your informations and data are necessary for the management of your order and our commercial relations. They may be transmitted to companies that contribute to these relationships, such as those responsible for the execution of services and orders for their management, execution, processing and payment. These informations and data are also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations and to enable us to improve and personalize the services we offer and the informations we send you.
The Personal data are all data that identifies an individual, which corresponds to your first and last name, telephone number, date of birth, email address.
This data collection takes place when the customer creates an account, when he subscribes to the newsletters or alerts, makes an order or a request to return to the site, contacts the Customer Service, browses the site and consults items, shares a notice with a friend by sending an email from an item page, shares a notice via Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Pinterest from an item page.
We may also keep informations about the transaction, including a truncated portion of your credit card numbers.
2. Right of access and rectification
According to the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and oppose your personal data. Simply write us online to Customer Service or by mail to :
Optique Chaussin –
135 rue du Docteur Paccard
74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc
Indicating your first and last name, email and, if possible, your customer reference. According to the regulations, your request must be signed and joined by a photocopy of an identity document bearing your signature and specify the address we should reply to. A reply will then be sent to you within 2 months after reception of your request.
Depending on your choices made during the creation or consultation of your account, you might receive offers from our company, as indicated during the creation of your account. If you no longer wish so, you can request it at any time.
3. Data retention
Personal data must be kept for a period which does not exceed the necessary time, for the purposes why they are collected and processed
Optique Chaussin – retains data for a period of five years from the last transaction.
Optique Chaussin –‘s policy is not to transfer data concerning its customers to third parties for commercial purposes.
Optique Chaussin – takes every precautions for the safety of your personal data.
4. Cookies
Our website is designed to be particularly attentive to the needs of our customers. This is one of the reasons why we use cookies. Cookies are intended to signal your visit on our site. They are only used by Optique Chaussin – to improve the personalization of our services.
5. Alert
Identified customer or user can subscribe to items availability alerts. He can, at any time, unsubscribe from these alerts in the tab “my account”.
6. Newsletter
Users can subscribe to newsletter and choose to be informed on our offers.
7. Against fraud checks all the orders validated on its website. We reserve the right to refuse an order placed on our website without the customer being able to claim any compensation from the seller. reserves the right to request certain documents once payment has been made in order to secure the order.
8. Intellectual property
All texts, comments, works, illustrations and images reproduced or represented on the Optique Chaussin – websites are strictly under copyright and intellectual property rights for the whole world. As such, and according to the Intellectual Property Code, the only use allowed is private use. Any reproduction or representation of Optique Chaussin – website, in its entirety or partially, is strictly prohibited.
The company names, trademarks and distinctive signs reproduced on the sites of Optique Chaussin – are protected under trademark law. Their reproduction or representation, entirely or partially, is strictly prohibited and must be the subject of a written authorization in advance from the owner of the mark.
Certain products such as software are subject to personal and specific right of use regulating copies, public broadcasting, rental. You must respect the general conditions of sale of these products, and Chaussin Optics – can not be responsible for the uses that could be made of the products in this framework.
The CNIL declaration number (National Commission on Computer Technology and Freedom) of is 1943852.